After a long, nice vacation with the parents I am finally back on Kibbutz and settled back into normal schedule. I actually returned on Monday afternoon and worked in the dining hall doing dishes Tuesday and Thursday (I now appreciate my job in the kindergarten a lot more). Today was my first day back at the Kindergarten in almost 2 weeks, and although I was a little tired it was good to be back and see all the little kiddies' smiling faces! While the vacation was much needed and being pampered and cared for by the parents was heavenly, it is good to be back in my "predictable" routine on Kibbutz. My life here more or less revolves around 3 things: exercise, Hebrew, and watching House. Of course there is time for the in-between things but my focus is on the previously mentioned topics. The exercise regimen consists of the following: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday I ride my bike to the gym and lift. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday I run for about 1-2 hours. Soon I'm going to move to resistance running with boots and eventually a pack of about 10-15 kgs. With regards to the Hebrew, I have about 1000 note cards of vocabulary. Also, I purchased Rosetta Stone this summer and it's a really wonderful program for learning languages. On the topic of House...well, you've gotta have some fun, right? Hopefully I'll receive my passport and Israeli identity card in the mail on Sunday (latest) so I can get moving on a number of my things to do including opening an Israeli bank account, pushing the Draft Office (Lishkat Gius) to draft me in March, as well as some other pressing issues. That's all for now. Please send me emails (benjacobs1027@comcast.net) updating me on all of your lives! It's good to hear from friends!